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NIRF 2023 - A Comparative Analysis

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The National Institutional Ranking Framework (NIRF) forms the representation of the quality of educational institutes in the nation on an annual basis based on five broad parameters, constituted by several sub-parameters. The consolidated scores and the overall ranking are borne out of carefully curated metrics for each of the parameters that follow.

Here are the overall NIRF Rank of IITs across India in 2023:

Rank City Score
1 Madras 86.69
3 Delhi 82.16
4 Bombay 81.28
5 Kanpur 77.23
7 Kharagpur 71.82
8 Roorkee 71.66
9 Guwahati 68.78

It is notable that despite fluctuations in ranks of most IITs, IIT Madras has maintained its rank 1 from NIRF 2022. Delhi has overtaken Bombay, while Kharagpur, Roorkee and Guwahati have moved a step down with AIIMS New Delhi bagging the 6th overall rank. The difference of scores has more or less remained the same although individual scores have fluctuated by 1 point or less. Overall NIRF 2022 ranks and scores of IITs may be viewed in this article.

There are 5 broad parameters, further divided into specific sub-parameters that NIRF uses, each of which has a maximum score of 100 and separate weightage:

NIRF scores of the top 7 IITs in each of these are as follows:

Teaching, Learning and Resources (TLR)

For details on what the parameter Teaching, Learning and Resources is, its sub-parameters, and the TLR Scores of the IITs from 2022, see here.

City Score
Madras 86.45
Delhi 82.06
Bombay 80.71
Kanpur 85.45
Kharagpur 73.29
Roorkee 77.69
Guwahati 73.43

There has been a hike of almost 13 points in the TLR score of IIT Madras from 2022, which shows that the resource allocation and expenditure on infrastructure and teaching-learning facilities has been commendable in the past year.

Research and Professional Practice (RP)

For details on what Research and Professional Practice is, its sub-parameters, and the RP Scores of the IITs from 2022, see here.

City Score
Madras 89.88
Delhi 85.23
Bombay 86.14
Kanpur 72.94
Kharagpur 72.25
Roorkee 68.00
Guwahati 66.98

IIT Madras topped the charts in RP scores last year, and has maintained the spot well into 2023.

Graduation Outcomes (GO)

For details on what Graduation Outcomes parameter is, its sub-parameters, and the GO Scores of the IITs from 2022, see here.

City Score
Madras 87.22
Delhi 79.21
Bombay 84.26
Kanpur 83.62
Kharagpur 76.75
Roorkee 83.15
Guwahati 82.95

Just as in RP, IIT Madras has maintained its GO rank at the top, showing how the Institute continues to be the best in opening up avenues such as placements, higher education opportunities and entrepreneurship for its graduates.

Outreach and Inclusivity (OI)

For details on what Outreach and Inclusivity is, its sub-parameters, and the OI Scores of the IITs from 2022, see here.

City Score
Madras 63.59
Delhi 70.32
Bombay 58.76
Kanpur 60.24
Kharagpur 57.44
Roorkee 62.80
Guwahati 58.30

IIT Madras has seen an increase in its OI scores and moved over to the 2nd rank from the 3rd in 2022. IIT Madras strives to make itself inclusive of all categories of students and makes consistent efforts in this direction every year.

Perception (PR)

For details on what Perception is, its sub-parameters, and the PR Scores of the IITs from 2022, see here.

City Score
Madras 100
Delhi 90.98
Bombay 84.98
Kanpur 69.84
Kharagpur 70.68
Roorkee 50.36
Guwahati 42.44

IIT Madras has scored a perfect 100 in Perception in 2023 by bridging the gap of just 1.25 from 98.75 in 2022 NIRF.

IIT Madras tops the ranks in all parameters except OI where it is 2nd only to IIT Delhi.

If you have more questions on NIRF, please discuss on our community - AskIITM community.

Aravind S
Created Date: Apr 09, 2024
Modified Date: Jun 05, 2024

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