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What is the difference between AIDA and the Data Science BS Degree offered?

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AIDA program: Founded in 2024, the Wadhwani School of Data Science and AI (WSAI) is home to the 18th and newest department (Department of Data Science and AI) at IIT Madras. 

The B.Tech program in AI and Data Analytics offered by this department is an amazing opportunity to dive into the world of artificial intelligence and data analytics. This unique interdisciplinary program offers a comprehensive foundation in AI technologies and various aspects of data analytics, preparing you for a dynamic career in various industries, and also for graduate studies.

The goal of this program is to not repair a computer science curriculum, but look at it as a ground up design for not just learning about AI but about building deployable AI systems. Admissions for this program will happen through the JOSAA Counseling, following JEE Advanced 2024.

BS in Data Science and Programming: Centre for Outreach and Digital education (CODE) is the center which coordinates all non-campus academic & outreach activities from IIT Madras. 

BS in Programming and Data Science, offered by CODE-IITM, is a 4 year, large-scale undergraduate degree program which runs in the web enabled mode. More than 15000 students study in the program at present. Anyone anywhere irrespective of age, geographical location or educational background can apply to this program.

Students who have a valid JEE score and are eligible to write JEE advanced are deemed to have qualified for both the programs and can start with the foundation level directly. 

Created Date: Jun 06, 2024
Modified Date: Jun 11, 2024

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